Monday, January 19, 2009

Glamour Girls

Kara tagged me to do this and I think it is very funny to see what photo turned up! This was a photo I used to put in a newsletter for lia sophia. However, I think this is a perfect representation of Me, Kara, & Andrea! Why I didn't recognize this before, I don't know! Because we are by far the most glamorous gals around! Now if I can just get us on TV!

Thankfully Kara didn't tag Andrea (probably because she's in TX, but I'll tag her anyway), and I can tag 2 of my fellow WP grads Tracie & Allison....Here's the rules girls:

1. go to your documents
2. go to your 6th file.
3. go to your 6th picture.
4. blog about it.
5. tag 6 friends to do the same.

Thanks for playing along! Click on Kara's blog link to check out her give's on my blog list!


Kara said...

Love it! Cannot wait to look "glamorous" on Bridge Street!!

Anonymous said...

Okay go ahead, call me blonde but I'm a little confused on the directions. :o)
My documents then the sixth file? there's nothing there. should I blog about that? LMAO!

Thanks for tagging me. LOL