Sunday, December 7, 2008

"F" Words

Okay, Kara's making me do another one of those list things...I'm supposed to share 10 things in my life that starts with the letter "F"...There's a sign above my kitchen that says:

1-3. Faith, Family & would be so sad without them!
4. Folgers coffee...what a lovely way to start my day!
5. Frosty the Snowman...Haaaappy Birthday!
6. Fifteen year old Feline...Munchkin!
7. is short, don't take yourself too seriously!
8. Freedom...thank a soldier!
9. Forks...we use them to eat with!
10. Food...why we use those forks!

Sorry Kara, but I have no one to pass this on to...although if I get to Family Rezsnyak before Andrea...they can do the letter "G"! Good luck Family Rezsnyak!


Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog because I pay attention to my kids, but I have my own G list...if you're interested?
1. Glezen, of course...cause anyone with that ever had that last name rocks!
2. Gary. His last name isn't or wasn't ever Glezen, but he rocks!
3. Garrett. He rocks too.So does the only unnamed family member of mine Ellie.
4. know the angel.
5. God...OH DUHHH! Should have said him first!!
6.and 7. Gobs and gads...two great adjectives...they are adjectives, right?
8. Get..for "get out of here" one of my favorite sayings!
9. Go...for "go to bed"where my kids are right now at 7:35!!
10. Great! As in...great sister! I have one!
NO copying family that starts with an "R"!

Bring on the next letter....EASY G...I prefer a challenge, like X. Are there 10 words that start with X?

Anonymous said...

did that last one post? i tried to fix number 1..I'm a big post sort of proof reader and thought i lost it....oh well

ellis said...

good grief, you should stop pretending that you pay attention to your kids & do your own blog!

Anonymous said... are totally right!

Anonymous said...

December 7th???
That is shameful...and you dare call yourself a what your computer was broken and Christmas came and went and you were in a play and had to shop and bake cookies for your neighbors and blah blah blah...get going. You have a new computer now!!