For my insane friends!
I am so insane to be doing this...Okay, so this may be fun! However, I must admit I am only doing this because I want my friends to like my blog better than some crazy craft lady(whom shall remain unnamed)! Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with spending an afternoon doing your thing while photographing yourself and every step along the way, but like I said at's got to be a sign of child neglect! :) Speaking of child neglect...where is Brayden...oh wait!...let me get the camera...hold on I'll find him...

There he is...behind a book! I should have known, what a good boy he is! Alright, I've got to go accomplish something today & I don't think creating a blog was on my list...I'd show you the picture, but it's not written down! Many blessings to all of you today & I'm going to pray I haven't created a monster...actually it's your fault girls! Toodles!
Welcome to the Bloggers Loren! : )
I feel left out being the only one not on this site, my blog is old started in back on '04 when we lived in VA...
Glad to see your not neglecting your children for the sake of blogging : )
You are such an over-achiever! You already have music and Courtney's not even home from school yet. I can tell your little ones are becoming more neglected by the second!
Hush Andrea! Wait until you hear what Bubby was doing while i got music!!!
A few rules of blogging...
1) Make sure the dishes are done and laundry is folded before starting.
2) Children need to be fed every couple of hours...bread and water will do
3) The blogs that are on your, "follow" list need to be checked at random throughout the day for VERY important updates.
4) If you don't have something nice to comment on...don't comment!!
Welcome to blogging land my friend. Glad you succumbed to peer pressure.
Hi all from HOTLANTA this is an awesome thing you are doing you might consider doing some of this at night after the kids are in bed lol!!
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