Ryan & Shanna's Wedding!
On Sunday, September 28th we celebrated my baby Brother, Ryan, and his beautiful bride, Shanna's Wedding! Everything was wonderful & perfect! Enjoy some of my photos...
Mom with all 5 of us and our spouses!

Ryan, John & Scott chatting

The 2 most important people at the wedding!

They were so nice with the cake...however after I walked away there was some craziness going on with the cake action! Don't know what was in the frosting, but Ryan's face was burning!

Val looking like a deer caught in the headlights...My beauty blinded her!

Ryan & Amanda
Shanna & Riley
This photo will end up on Court's my space for sure!
Mom, Aunt Jo & Grampa!
Mike thinks he is so funny! Did he forget that I have a blog?
I totally knew you would be on it. Thought I would check it out. Love the pic of mike..now that is funny!!
Love ya...Val
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