Monday, May 18, 2009

I can do all things!

Have you ever stopped to think about what you are capable of accomplishing? I am ever amazed at all that God has accomplished in my life, but I am even more amazed at what I am able to accomplish as a result of how God made me. We often sell ourselves short and give up on difficult tasks way to easily...taking the easy way is never rewarding, is it? Plus, if there's a lesson God wants to teach us...He's not going to say, "Well, I'll just let them do it their way this time.", No way! God is continually loving, teaching, and pruning us and sometimes it is a painful process!

We (my bible study gals & myslef) have been ready A Women after God's Own Heart, by Elizabeth George. It is an amazing it will be painful, but sooo worth it! We have been working on our marriages/husbands for the last 3 weeks or has been so awesome! It's never easy to put another's needs before our own (well, maybe with children it is) and it has been great to bless my husband! Everyday Joy in a marriage is so nice!


Amy said...

My bible study group is doing that book as well. We took a break and are getting back into it this WED.

It is very hard, but very worth it! :)