Sunday, May 31, 2009

Show about a Talker!

I just realized what my show should be titled:
A Show About A Talker
Who cares about blogging and facebook...I would much rather be talkin' to y'all! Why am I continually on alert to share some marvelous idea, random thought or words of wisdom? Because that's how God made me! For some reason in my adult life I look forward to challenges and (dare I say) change. It keeps life fun and I need to maintain those few brains cells I have left!

As long as I have breath I'm going to follow the "signs" from my Creator and enjoy my blessings!

Now, back to the show...I'm not getting a whole lot of feedback, so if you are a blogger: Leave a comment here! If you are on Facebook: Leave a comment there! Here a laugh, There a laugh, everywhere a Ha Ha! Sorry, I couldn't help myself!


valerella said...

did you leave off the "s" on purpose or on accident???

Amy said...

Hey Loren~
If you need a cooking or quilt-y segment... I'm available :P
You would totally rock as a talk show host...I would be a faithful fan!

Kara said...

how about, "the art of breastfeeding"...haha! That's about all I can do right now...except model some lovely lia sophia jewelry!

Loren said...

you're both hired! I'm trying to get this all figured out...hopefully within a week i'll start filming!?!?