Saturday, October 4, 2008

I Love Texas, Yeehaw!!!!!

Let me tell you...MOPS rocks! Convention was hugely it should have been, considering we were in Dallas, Texas! High 80's everyday too I might add! My 2 favorite sessions were led by Rick Johnson & Julie Barnhill! I'm using my family as guinea pigs to test out what I learned about being a better mom and wifey! I'll keep y'all updated as to my progress! Failure (or quitting) is not an option!

Go Fish! Oh my gracious golly gee! They rock too! Awesome music for preschoolers that may even get you off your duff and dance with your kids!!! Check them out, I had never heard of favorite is it's hard to be cool in a's for the dad's...there mom song is great too! I got their DVD and 4 cd's! And you know I don't buy anything unless it rocks!

Are you annoyed by my "rock" language, husband rocks! tshirts that my sis, Val, turned me onto...she has 2, now I have one...i bought it for my hubby...he said he wouldn't wear it, but i bought it to make him proud! I have there link on left...from*me Tees.

Okay! This was a brief posting of my last 3 days, so you can only imagine what transpired! Lucky for you I'm a gabber and will fill you in on all the yummy details all week blessed you must feel about this!

No pics yet, short story, but who Monday! Toodles!