Here a moo there a moo!
We went down to visit family this weekend...I have enough stories & photos to keep you busy for a week! Val & Scott, you'd better be worried!
Here is a photo of the monster barn finished...pretty amazing!
It was poop spreading day at Glezen Farms, Brayden asked Grampa what he was doing with all that dirt! Melissa thinks it should be called slurry! Sounds Yummy!
Brayden & Little Dale
Pucker up!
Farmer Brayden trying to keep his Heifers from getting out!
See why he didn't want to let them out!?

Check this out!

And it took me about 20 tries to capture this crazy calf trying to curl it's tongue around my finger...usually they just try to suck on them!

Come back tomorrow for some kayaking and silliness!
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