Texas Here We Come!

Anyway, I would ask for all of you, dear friends & strangers, to keep us (and our families) in prayer for this event! Specifically that we would all learn and grow in our leadership positions, so that we are better able to serve the needs of those moms we share our lives with each month! Also pray that our hubby's will have patience, peace (and cleanliness) and remember to feed our children something besides hot dogs and brownies while they step up to support us! We will be gone Oct. 2nd - Oct 5th. I myself, because I'm a dingbat, will be returning a day early on the 4th! Actually, it'll give me a headstart on Kara, I can get all her crazy photos on here before she can put mine on her blog! Brilliant!
Thank you Lord for this blessing!
YEAH Dallas!!! Thanks for reminding me to pack my camera... almost forgot!!!!!See you tomorrow dear! OH and don't think you will get a head start...I am bring my computer with me;o)
Have great time in Texas! I'll be praying for you!
See you next week...not sure if I'll make book club or not, it's our anniversary. Depends if my hubby is working or not... : )
Have a great time! I wish I could go but I lived there for 5 years so I guess I can't complain. I can't wait to see both yours and Kara's blog when you get back. Nothing like a little friendly compititon...but you girls need to play nice!
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