Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One Mean Mother!

I started a new blog dedicated to the joys of being a mean mom! So many mom's feel the need to be their child's best friend, not me! Hope you enjoy my ideas and anecdotes! This is also a place where I can pick on, torment, and most importantly show my love for each of my wonderful children...of course Courtney is first! Check it out!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jamesville Balloon Fest

Check out the link guys you can't go wrong with $5 a person, 10 & under FREE! Plus you can stop by and say "HI!" to me and enter to win some free bling! Have a fabulous weekend!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Show about a Talker!

I just realized what my show should be titled:
A Show About A Talker
Who cares about blogging and facebook...I would much rather be talkin' to y'all! Why am I continually on alert to share some marvelous idea, random thought or words of wisdom? Because that's how God made me! For some reason in my adult life I look forward to challenges and (dare I say) change. It keeps life fun and I need to maintain those few brains cells I have left!

As long as I have breath I'm going to follow the "signs" from my Creator and enjoy my blessings!

Now, back to the show...I'm not getting a whole lot of feedback, so if you are a blogger: Leave a comment here! If you are on Facebook: Leave a comment there! Here a laugh, There a laugh, everywhere a Ha Ha! Sorry, I couldn't help myself!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Talk Show Host!?

Okay, I have exciting news for all of my faithful followers who encourage my insanity...I am going to find a way to start posting my very own talk show! I am so excited, but first I need your help...

1. I need some entertaining brave soles who are willing to be on "camera" and have something interesting to discuss or teach others...referrals always welcome too.

2. I also need ideas and/or topics that you are interested in so I can start researching all of these ideas. For example: garden tips, low cost activites for a family, best bible translations, how to build your dream home, etc.

3. Spread the word because I need people to watch or listen to me if I'm going to have fun with this! Find out what they want in a weekly talk show...or I could try small daily video segments.

4. And, most importantly I need a name for my show...Looney Loren won't work!

Thanks dear buddies!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I can do all things!

Have you ever stopped to think about what you are capable of accomplishing? I am ever amazed at all that God has accomplished in my life, but I am even more amazed at what I am able to accomplish as a result of how God made me. We often sell ourselves short and give up on difficult tasks way to easily...taking the easy way is never rewarding, is it? Plus, if there's a lesson God wants to teach us...He's not going to say, "Well, I'll just let them do it their way this time.", No way! God is continually loving, teaching, and pruning us and sometimes it is a painful process!

We (my bible study gals & myslef) have been ready A Women after God's Own Heart, by Elizabeth George. It is an amazing it will be painful, but sooo worth it! We have been working on our marriages/husbands for the last 3 weeks or has been so awesome! It's never easy to put another's needs before our own (well, maybe with children it is) and it has been great to bless my husband! Everyday Joy in a marriage is so nice!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My new Niece!

My stepsister & her husband have a dopted there daughter Maria from China! They arrive in Syracuse tonight & we are excited to meet our new niece Maria! You can check out ther blog at

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am not always impressed when life does not go the way I want it to? I hate detours! How about you? To be honest it's kind of scarey! Maybe you're starting a new career or business, buying a house, newly married, having health know what you are dealing with! No matter where your life heads, even if it's not where you want to go, how you live your life where you are at that moment says a lot about who you are. Do you complain and whine when things don't work out the way you planned, or do you trust God to work it out through prayer? Do you praise God and rejoice in the blessings when life is good, or do you pat yourself on the back for a job well done? We all have missed out on some great blessings by taking things into your own hands, let God do His thing! You won't be sorry!

When I found out that I was pregnant with our 4th child (and now 4 year old son) I was not a happy camper! Our 3rd daughter had just turned 1 and I was getting too old for this pregnancy thing! Do you know what my husband's response to my poor spell was? "Well, there's not a whole lot you can do about it now is there!" What?!?!?!? I wanted sympathy, not factual reality that felt like a slap in the face! Why would he think something like that would make me feel better?
Needless to say, I got over my pity party and looked forward to the possibity of having a son (I really wasn't convinced he was a boy actually). It was both exciting and scarey...we have 3 girls, what would we do with a boy? Well, Brayden arrived and was referred to as "she" and "her" for the first few days of life by his mother and we had to get used to not saying "the girls and I", but our brains learned to adjust! He was so cute with those big blue eyes and blonde hair though! Sometimes that is the only thing that has saved him from being strangled! Why do boys get into so much trouble?
Even with all the added chaos in my life, I can honestly say I'm glad God is in charge! His plans are way better than mine! Plus the biggest blessing of all of this is that he will never be a teenage girl! That is a whole different topic for another day...maybe I can find a sign that says "do not disturb between the ages of 13 and 25" for that one!

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A New Beginning!

I fancy myself as a pretty silly kind of gal, and ya know I have kind of missed my blog. It was a great way for me to share my random ramblings and the silliness of just living life! So this is a new start for my blog. Hopefully you all will appreciate some new ideas I have to share along the way. There will not be the instant gratification of reaching the masses like on Facebook, but hopefully some of the things I plan on sharing will be much more fulfilling and, of couse, fun! The journey begins tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have to say that facebook has become like a new child to me, and definately has received more attention then my blog lately! I think the main reason is the instant all with your own facebook page know what I'm talking about. It might take 3 days to get 15 people to read my blog (or find it), and with Facebook...all I have to do is mention that I'm going to Florida and by the end of an hour 30 people have commented. Most of them want to come with me, but I say the more the merrier!

By far the biggest reason I love Facebook is I can find old friends from school and our past military life! I can't begin how many times I've glowed from the inside to find some of my long lost beautiful friends! And now they will always be around...or atleast on my computer screen!

I even got together last week with some of my gal pals from high school...never would have happenend if we weren't on facebook. None of us could take charge and make a decision, but we still managed to get-together! Now we will be doing monthly get-togethers. Take a look at us chicks....

Alright, I'm just rambling! In closing, get on facebook and get in touch with some old pals or if you are on facebook already, keep in touch!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Glamour Girls

Kara tagged me to do this and I think it is very funny to see what photo turned up! This was a photo I used to put in a newsletter for lia sophia. However, I think this is a perfect representation of Me, Kara, & Andrea! Why I didn't recognize this before, I don't know! Because we are by far the most glamorous gals around! Now if I can just get us on TV!

Thankfully Kara didn't tag Andrea (probably because she's in TX, but I'll tag her anyway), and I can tag 2 of my fellow WP grads Tracie & Allison....Here's the rules girls:

1. go to your documents
2. go to your 6th file.
3. go to your 6th picture.
4. blog about it.
5. tag 6 friends to do the same.

Thanks for playing along! Click on Kara's blog link to check out her give's on my blog list!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Panda Bears

I can't begin to explain the 6 degrees of separation that led me to this all know how my mind works! It is one that makes you laugh just thinking about it! All of you mothers will appreciate this! Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Laundry Woes!

As if it isn't already a long and torturous day when you spend it doing the laundry for yourself and 5 other, mostly ungrateful, family's compounded when the washer timer is broken! Courtney has actually taken a liking to wearing unmatched socks, this actually frees her to be grumpy and complain about everything else in her life...did I mention she's 14? Feel my pain! My dear hubby's solution: "Do you want to just go buy a new one(washer, not 14 year old)?" Uh, no! So, me being Mrs. Fix It searched the web to determine that it (hopefully) is the timer and I spent the $65 for a new one. The only catch...I ordered it forever ago! Okay, last week...but no timer yet! The problem started on New Years Eve. After I went to put a load of laundry into the dryer @ 12:30am on New Years Day, I realized the water was still in the washer and just moved it to spin and went to bed! I awoke @ 3:38am (I remember these things) and heard the washer still spinning! Needless to say I have had problems ever since trying to be the timer for my washer, so I'm sure I will have killed the motor by the time I get the new timer & will have to get a new washer! I also, had the brilliant idea this morning to just pop the Downy ball after the wash water drained & skip the first spin...why does it need to spin when it's just gonna fill up again? They must be in cahoots with the electric company! I am a genius for figuring this out first...too bad you can't patent smartness! Oh my goodness...I just saw that "just pop the Downy ball" was originally typed as "just poop the Downy ball"...too funny! LOL! Aren't you glad you took time out of your life to read this blog today? I hope I'm not the only one who laughs at my antics! Have a great day...I'm off to my own little world!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bridge Street?

To all my adoring fans, please forgive my neglecting my blog...after all I am now a famous actor! Those of you who missed my acting debut on Dec. 13-14, well you just missed it! I am now on a mission to be a local talk show host! Yep, I may not have a chance, but God gave me my many talents...why waste them when I can share them with thousands! I figured since I can't sing like Anita Renfroe I won't be hearing from Women of Faith anytime soon, so I had to rethink things a bit! Bridge Street (our local Syracuse talk show) would so benefit from my random and sometimes annoying (I can see the one plank in my eye) silliness! I'd be willing to just guest host or do a segment, just so they can see how much everyone would enjoy me! Does that sound vain? Anyway, the only problem is I don't think I can just email them or call them up and tell them they are missing out on something big. They would probably think I'm some egotistical freakazoid or even worse...completely unqualified, untalented and not what they are looking for!

That's where you my dear friends and strangers come in. I need massive amounts of emails sent so you can campaign for me! We'll call it "Hire Loren to build The Bridge" & you'll just need to point some things out to them, like:
1. You think I am the best gal for the co-host slot, everyone needs a third wheel.
2. Let them know how much fun & lovable I am, and if you don't know me...I am!
3. It would get me out of your hair!
4. It would help me stop having all these delusional thoughts, but really, who else but God could have planted the seeds?
5. I know a lot about nothing!
6. I would double their ratings! Hello! Nobody I know watches anything but Dora & Diego, and I would be way better then some cartoon character!

So your mission, it is not an option, is to let everyone know about my campaign & send those emails...I guess I should have looked it up....hold on I'll find it...Oh my Gosh!...I see they are doing an extreme makeover of the about adding a new face? That seems to be the best option to me! They have a blog too! Here is the email...and they are asking that we submit our ideas about what we would like to see on the show. How about ME! They are asking for our ideas after all! Oh yeah, the email address is

If God is for me, who can be against me! Go Team!